Interview with SIMON R. GREEN

GreenSR-AuthorPicLet’s start with an introduction: Who is Simon R. Green?

Simon R. Green is the New York Times best-selling author of over sixty novels, two collections of short stories, and wrote the screenplay for the film Judas Ghost. He rides motorcycles, acts in open air Shakespeare productions, and has worked as a Chippendale. (Not all of those may be entirely true.)

Your latest novel, Night Fall, will be published by Ace in June. It’s the final novel in your Secret Histories series. How would you introduce the series to a potential reader? What can fans of the series expect from the finale?

Night Fall ties together my two main series. The Nightside books, which feature a private eye operating in the Twilight Zone solving cases of the weird and uncanny; and the Secret Histories books, featuring the very secret agent, Shaman Bond. The Nightside is a film noir world, full of shadey characters. The Secret Histories was all about punishing the bad guys. So when these two worlds go to war… The body count is going to be amazing. But this book also features characters from my other series, like the Ghost Finders, Hawk & Fisher, Drinking Midnight Wine, and Shadows Fall. So essentially, this books stars everybody, and guest stars everybody else. Continue reading

Want to Read: Simon R Green’s HAWK & FISHER Series


I spotted on Twitter a few minutes ago that Simon R. Green’s Hawk & Fisher sword-and-sorcery series had been re-issued as two eBook omnibus editions by his literary agent, JABberwocky.*

I first stumbled across information about the series a couple of years ago, but the books slipped from my mind because they weren’t widely available in the UK at the time. Which was a pity, as I had been really in the mood for this kind of fantasy series. The two eBooks — The Swords of Haven and The Guards of Haven — are available through most major eBook vendors, in the UK and US (I’m assuming elsewhere, too). Here’s the synopsis for the first book:

Hawk and Fisher: partners, husband and wife, Captains in Haven’s City Guard. Known, respected, and mostly feared, Hawk and Fisher fight crime, pursue justice, and protect Haven with their unique blend of strength, steel, and razor-sharp instinct. Haven’s citizens have never needed their protection more. The city is a hotbed of violence and corruption, where the natural and supernatural constantly collide, ready to boil over at any moment. Hawk and Fisher have their work cut out for them — for even by daylight, Haven is a dark place.

Swords of Haven brings together the first three novels in New York Times bestselling author Simon R. Green’s beloved Hawk & Fisher series:

Hawk & Fisher — A high-level city official is murdered during a dinner party and Hawk and Fisher have only a few hours to find the killer among the guests, including powerful spell-casters, cunning politicians, Haven royalty, and the victim’s own wife. 

Winner Takes All — Hawk & Fisher grapple with dark magics, devious politicians, and deadly assassins when they’re assigned to protect James Adamant, a fiery young politician whose plan to root out Haven’s corruption makes him very popular…as a target. 

The God Killer — No one is safe in Haven, not even the Gods! When divine residents of the Street of Gods fall prey to a murderer, Hawk & Fisher must team up with an exclusive tactical unit to catch the killer before all hell breaks loose in Haven. 

This looks like a fun sword-and-sorcery series. Strongly considering picking it up. Anyone read them when they were first available?

* JABberwocky has an eBook division that is bringing out-of-print and print-only titles back into circulation as eBooks. Sometimes, it’s just for books not available in certain territories. It’s a great project/programme, and they have a lot of titles available that I had long given up being able to find. So, even if you dislike Amazon, they’ve done a good job of making eBooks a viable format, which has helped bring these titles back. Open Road Media do a similar thing, on a much larger scale.

Video: “He For She in Science Fiction”

The video above was put together by Open Road Media, and I thought it was interesting.

The past year has been a crucial one for female writers of science fiction. Discussions in the world of science fiction authors, editors, and fans about women writing in the genre, winning awards, and being recognized in fandom often carried a certain defiant tone, followed by a frustration that women in science fiction still have to prove themselves at all.

In light of the He for She movement, a UN project aimed at encouraging men to speak up for women in a bid of solidarity and support, Open Road Media asked male science fiction authors to discuss how women have been portrayed in science fiction, and their own favorite female science fiction authors.

The video features a great selection of authors (published in eBook by Open Road). Here’s the description from the YouTube page:

“The purpose of a woman” in ’50s science fiction “was to make the man look good,” laments Todd McCaffrey, son, co-author, and biographer to his mother, revered science fiction and fantasy author Anne McCaffrey. He goes on: “And scream when the bug-eyed monsters came in. My mother hated that trope; and she said, you know, ‘If a bug-eyed monster was invading my home, I’d find the nearest frying pan and beat the crap out of him!’”

Along with McCaffrey, Science Fiction Grand Master Samuel R. Delany, Joe Haldeman, Simon R. Green, Ian R. MacLeod, and Ian McDonald discuss how women have been portrayed in science fiction, in light of the He for She movement. These men also share their thoughts about their female role models in the genre; groundbreaking female science fiction authors like Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia E. Butler, and Andre Norton.

“The most important political problem in the modern world is the position of women…” says Samuel R. Delany. “Something has got to be done about it.”

New Books (2015 Inaugural Edition)


Featuring: Louis Bayard, Pierce Brown, Gail Carriger, Tom Doyle, Alan Finn, James Grady, Simon R. Green, Kevin Hearne, Jim C. Hines, Deborath Install, Ha Jin, Michael Moorcock, Haruki Murakami, Daniel José Older, Anthony Reynolds, Brandon Sanderson, Beth Shapiro, Brian Staveley, Olen Steinhauer, Ferrett Steinmetz, Duane Swierczynski, David Walton, Susan Wilkins Continue reading

Excerpt: MISTWORLD by Simon R. Green (Open Road)

GreenSR-TotE1-MistworldMistworld is the first novel in Simon R. Green‘s Twilight of the Empire science fiction series. It was recently released in eBook form via Open Road Media, who have also included it in an end-of-year sale. To celebrate all these things, the publisher has allowed me to share this excerpt. First, though, here’s the synopsis:

An outlaw planet becomes the target of a shadowy, deadly force

Long before the start of a galactic rebellion, Mistworld is just another rebel planet, cut off from the fruits of empire by a punishing blockade. In a spaceport where ships hardly land anymore, and any piece of high tech is worth far more than its weight in gold, a medieval order has imposed itself on this once-rich world: The strong rule, the weak perish, and no one is too rich to steal.

Investigator Topaz is one of the few honest people left on this cutthroat planet. With her husband, Sergeant Michael Gunn, Topaz does what she can to keep the crooks who run Mistworld in check. But when the corrupt Empire devises an unprecedented scheme to attack the ESP shield that guards Mistworld, Topaz is the only one who can save the planet from being overrun. An enemy fleet lurks just off world—but it is the enemies at home whom Topaz and Gunn should fear the most. Continue reading

Cover Reveal: SECRET HISTORIES Series by Simon R Green (Jo Fletcher Books)


I haven’t read much of Simon R. Green‘s work. This is partly because they haven’t always been as widely available in the UK as one might have thought (the author is British, after all). Jo Fletcher Books is attending to this oversight, however: this year, they have published the author’s Nightside series (twelve novels) in eBook, and on December 11th they will publish the seven novels (so far) in Green’s Secret Histories urban fantasy series. The covers are above. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel, The Man With the Golden Torc:

For ages, Eddie Drood and his family have kept humanity safe from the things that go bump in the night. But now one of his own has convinced the rest of the family that Eddie’s become a menace, and that humanity needs to be protected from him. So he’s on the run, using every trick in the book, magical and otherwise, hoping he lives long enough to prove his innocence…

The Secret Histories: The Man With the Golden TorcDaemons Are ForeverThe Spy Who Haunted MeFrom Hell With LoveFor Heaven’s Eyes OnlyLive and Let DroodCasion Infernale

One I didn’t know before: Green also wrote the movie novelisation for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

The first two novels in the series were originally available in the UK, published by Gollancz.