Quick Review: LORDS AND TYRANTS by Various (Black Library)

Various-Lords&TyrantsA substantial, engaging collection of WH40k short fiction — perfect for long-time fans and newcomers

Many are the horrors of the 41st Millennium, from alien tyrants to dark lords in the grip of Chaos. But arrayed against them are champions of humanity, who fight to defend all that is good in the galaxy.

Wracked by the ravages of war, the galaxy has known no peace for untold millennia. To exist is to fight. To thrive is to conquer. Once-proud worlds lie in ruins at the hands of traitorous warlords and vile alien despots. Cowed by the unstoppable march of the Ruinous Powers, humanity stands on the precipice of oblivion. All hope is banished. Yet, there are many who take up arms against these horrors. Noble heroes of the Imperium sally forth to do battle while enigmatic Inquisitors explore the shadowy secrets of this benighted era. In the terror of the 41st Millennium, righteous lords and iron-willed tyrants clash to decide who is worthy of inheriting the galaxy.

Argent by Chris Wraight
Lucius: Pride and Fall by Ian St Martin
Whispers by Alec Worley
The Battle for Hive Markgraaf by Justin D Hill
A Brother’s Confession by Robbie MacNiven
Rise by Ben Counter
Flayed by Cavan Scott
A Memory of Tharsis by Josh Reynolds
Left for Dead by Steve Lyons
Unearthed by Rob Sanders
The Aegidan Oath by L J Goulding
Hidden Treasures by Cavan Scott
Carcharodons: The Reaping Time by Robbie MacNiven
The Greater Evil by Peter Fehervari
The Path Unclear by Mike Brooks
Shadows of Heaven by Gav Thorpe

This is a pretty substantial collection of short fiction set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Sixteen stories, drawing together some fan-favourite characters and some new, I think it would serve very well as an introduction for anyone who has not yet delved into the extensive body of WH40k fiction, while also satisfying long-time fans of the IP looking for some quick-hits of sci-fi action and adventure. Continue reading

New Books (September)


Featuring: Brian D. Anderson, Kevin J. Anderson, Max Barry, Doug Beason, Patricia Cornwell, Ronan Farrow, Anna Fifield, Katie M. Flynn, Jonathan Gill, John Grisham, Guy Haley (x2), John Hodgman, Andrew Grant Jackson, Vicki Jarrett, Elton John, Fred Kaplan, Paul Krueger, Antony Loewenstein, Kyle Mills, Josh Reynolds, Cavan Scott, Danny Tobey, K.S. Villoso, K.B. Wagers

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New Books (January-February)


Featuring: Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Barbara Bourland, Douglas Brinkley, Justin Call, Melissa Caruso, James S.A. Corey, David Dalglish, Arwen Elys Dayton, James Ellroy, William R. Forstchen, James Alan Gardner, Danny Goldberg, Christopher Golden, John Gwynne, Bobby Hall, Wayne Holloway, Harris & Nick Katleman, Janna King, Snorri Kristjansson, Stéphane Larue, Elise Levine, David Mack, Wil Medearis, K.J. Parker, Brian Raftery, Astrid Scholte, Cavan Scott, Adam Scovell, Ian St. Martin, Douglas Waller, Joakim Zander, Helen Zia

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Quick Review: ATTACK OF THE NECRON by Cavan Scott (Black Library)

ScottC-WA1-AttackOfTheNecronThe first WH40k adventure for young readers

On the hive world of Targian, Zelia Lor helps her mother search for ancient tech, digging up treasures of the past on the wind-blown plains. They are happy. They are safe.

All that changes when the Necrons attack. Without warning, a host of robotic ships appear in the skies above Targian and rip the planet apart. Separated from her mother, Zelia must escape the doomed world, her only hope a scrambled transmission promising safety at a mysterious place known only as the Emperor’s Seat. Launched in an escape pod, she crashes on an icy wasteland far, far from home. But Zelia is not alone. She is joined by a rag-tag group of survivors – the street-tough juve Talen, gadget-obsessed Martian boy Mekki and super-intelligent alien-ape, Fleapit.

When Black Library first announced that they were going to release a range of novels for young readers, set in their WH40k and Age of Sigmar universes, I was intrigued. After all, how do you address the grimdarkiest of settings for young readers? With Attack of the Necron, Cavan Scott has absolutely knocked it out of the park. This is an excellent, entertaining primer on the WH40k universe. Continue reading