Upcoming: TOMORROW’S CHILDREN by Daniel Polansky (Angry Robot)

PolanskyD-TomorrowsChildrenI’ve been a fan of Daniel Polansky‘s writing ever since I read an early review copy of 2011’s Straight Razor Cure (Low Town in North America). The Low Town trilogy remains one of my favourite fantasy trilogies, and each new novel (or novella) by the author has been a must-read for me. Early next year, Angry Robot Books are due to publish the author’s latest novel, Tomorrow’s Children — as it happens, one that falls in a sub-genre that is also very much of interest to me: post-apocalyptic New York City. Here’s the synopsis:

A high-octane post-apocalyptic romp set in the ruins of Manhattan

Tomorrow, the funk descends on Manhattan – a noxious cloud which separates the island from the rest of the world and mutates the population.

Some generations on, the surviving population exists amid the rubble of modernity, wearing our cast-off clothing, worshipping celebrities as dim gods and using emojis in place or written language. The Island exists in a state of uneasy peace, with each neighborhood an independent fiefdom, protecting itself with scrap metal spears and Molotov cocktails.

But something new has come to the Island, the first tourist in centuries, and this uneasy equilibrium is about to shatter…

I’m really looking forward to reading this.

Daniel Polansky’s Tomorrow’s Children is due to be published by Angry Robot Books in North America and in the UK, on February 27th, 2024.

Also on CR: Interview with Daniel Polansky (2011); Reviews of Straight Razor Cure, Tomorrow the Killing, She Who Waits, A City Dreaming, The Builders, and The Seventh Perfection

Follow the Author: Website, Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter

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